Transport options to Sten Lodge

Reaching Sten Lodge from Labuan Bajo

Sten Lodge main entrance

Reaching Sten Lodge from Labuan Bajo is straightforward. You can choose to travel by scooter, car, taxi, public transport, or even arrange a pick-up service with one of our drivers. The journey from Labuan Bajo Komodo Airport takes about 30-40 minutes by car, while public transport may take up to an hour. Our location is easily found on Google Maps, Apple Maps, and

Pick-Up Service

Should you require a pick-up service from anywhere in Labuan Bajo, please inform us at least one day in advance to ensure availability, as our drivers are often busy. The cost for this service is Rp 300,000 for up to 4 people with luggage. Advance payment is required and can be made via Wise, Revolut, or a debit/credit card.

Public Transport

There are numerous small buses from Labuan Bajo that pass by Sten Lodge. Simply stand by the road and flag one down. Make sure to ask the driver if they are heading to Kampung Melo and negotiate the fare. Locals typically pay between 40,000 and 50,000 Rp.

Renting a Scooter

In Labuan Bajo, there are many places where you can rent a scooter, providing you the flexibility to explore all the nearby attractions around Sten Lodge at your own pace.

Grab Bike

While Grab cars are not yet available in Labuan Bajo, Grab Bike is a convenient option if you are traveling light. A ride from Komodo Airport costs around 70,000 Rp. You can book via the Grab App and search for our restaurant “Dapur Tara Flores” as your destination.

We look forward to welcoming you to Sten Lodge!