Useful information accommodating at Sten Lodge

Sten Lodge twin room

Useful information accommodating at Sten Lodge

Sten Lodge main entrance

Charging Phones and Devices

Charging outlets are available in both your room and in the restaurant.


Free internet is provided in the restaurant.


Warm water showers are available in the shared bathrooms.

Drinkable Water

Water filter stations are available in the restaurant for you to fill up your water bottle. Please bring your own refillable bottles to reduce waste.


You can wash your clothes by hand; we provide a bucket and detergent.


Smoking is prohibited in the rooms and on the terrace due to the flammable nature of the huts. Please use the designated smoking area.

Equipment in Your Room

All rooms come equipped with a towel, sheets, and a blanket.

Transport to Sten Lodge

Traveling to Sten Lodge from Labuan Bajo is simple and convenient. You can reach us by scooter, car, taxi, public transport, or with a pick-up service from one of our drivers.

Scooter Rental at Sten Lodge

We have one scooter available for rental.

Walking and Exploring

We warmly invite you to explore the beautiful surroundings of Sten Lodge at your leisure. Feel free to walk around the area on your own.



You can either book your accommodation with breakfast included or order breakfast upon check-in.


Currently, we do not offer lunch at Sten Lodge, but you can visit nearby cafes: Café Melo (a 10-minute walk) and Manik Café (a 30-minute walk).


You can either book your accommodation with dinner included or order dinner upon check-in. The Tribal Dinner features traditional Flores cuisine served in our restaurant, Dapur Tara Flores.

The Forest Road down to Sten Lodge

The last 200 meters of the forest road down to Sten Lodge can be slippery after rain and is not in the best condition.

Check-in Time

The regular check-in time is between 2pm and 6pm. If you arrive before 2pm, your room might not be ready, but you are welcome to stay in the restaurant and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee or walk around our gardens.

Booking Your Accommodation

You can make your booking via or directly with us via WhatsApp.